
Model Base Data

This chapter describes how to create a model and how to enter basic specifications for the calculation.

Creating a New Model

To create a new model, you can use the following options:

  • RSECTION menu: New item in File menu
  • RSECTION toolbar: New Model button
  • Dlubal Center: Models, Section New (see image Createnewmodel )

This opens the NewModel-GeneralData dialog box. The dialog box is described in the following subchapters.

Editing the base data of a model

If you want to edit a model's base data at a later time, you can open the 'Base Data' dialog box using the following options:

  • RSECTION menu: Base Data item in File menu
  • RSECTION toolbar: Editing General Data button
  • Navigator - Data: Context menu of model name or of 'Basic Objects'