

After the calculation, the results are sorted according to various criteria in tables. They are also shown in graphics of the work window on the model. The "Navigator - Results" is adjusted to the concrete design, so you can control the graphical display of the ULS and SLS design checks, as well as the reinforcement of members, surfaces, and nodes.

You can also display the Design Check Details with the intermediate values and design formulas. Furthermore, you have the option to display the Result Diagrams in Section with the stress state in the member cross-section.

The following subchapters describe various options you have for displaying and evaluating the design results. Chapter Documentation describes how to prepare the results for the printout.

Objects with No Results

If there are no results of a member or a surface displayed, it may be caused by the following:

  • The object is not selected for design in the Objects to Design table.
  • Results are hidden due to filter settings.

If you have manually removed or deselected objects from the design, no warning appears for the missing objects in the result tables.

Check the visibilities and the filter settings for the graphical results in the control panel as well as in the Result Value Filter dialog box. If the result is missing in the result table, check the selected filter settings in the Result Table Manager . Also, pay attention to the selected settings for synchronization with the graphic; for example, it is possible to only display the visible or selected objects. In the Detailed Results dialog box, all results are available, regardless of the filter settings and the selection.

Use the Overview result tables to check the designed objects. If an object is not valid due to the material or cross-section properties or has been deactivated due to the use of member sets, it is listed in the Not Valid / Deactivated result table.

Also, check in the Objects to Design input table whether all objects are selected for the design. Moreover, pay attention to the assignment of the design configurations to the individual objects. If no design configuration has been assigned to an object for a limit state, no design is performed for this limit state (see Chapter Concrete Design).